Brian Lilly

Brian Lilly Homes
Brokered by EXP

The Canton Corner

Canton TWP, MI Community

Alongside an array of services, Help Me Hank is committed to helping families in Detroit have access to resources and empowering them with life-saving measures. One such program offered by the organization is the Community Baby Showers hosted by the Canton Fire Department where participants learn CPR techniques under instruction from Karlitia Johnson of Brilliant Detroit.

Support and Resources

Subheading: Support and Resources

Help Me Hank offers a variety of support services to help people in all stages of life. From providing guidance on financial matters to tackling complicated issues, the organization is committed to offering resources and assistance to those who need it most. Whether you’re facing financial hardship, struggling with an issue, or just need someone to talk to, Help Me Hank can provide the necessary support and guidance.

Help Me Hank offers a wide range of services to help people from all walks of life. From providing assistance with financial decisions to tackling complex issues, this organization is proud to offer resources and support to those in need.

Community Baby Showers: An Opportunity to Learn CPR

The Canton Fire Department proudly offers community baby showers as an opportunity for the local residents to learn how to perform CPR. Karlitia Johnson, an instructor from Brilliant Detroit, has been teaching her coworkers the differences in technique between performing CPR on a smaller child, versus an adult. Knowing these skills could prove to be beneficial and lifesaving in any situation.

One local Detroit resident shared a story about how he used the knowledge he acquired in order to save his daughter from choking on candy. Brilliant Detroit works diligently towards ensuring that parents have the proper resources necessary to keep their families safe.

Cindy Eggleton, Co-Founder and CEO of Brilliant Detroit, emphasizes the importance for parents to practice CPR and not to be intimidated by it. “You can gain the skills you need to ensure your child’s safety and develop a sense of confidence in yourself,” Eggleton said.

Hank Winchester’s Accomplishments

Hank Winchester is an esteemed Consumer Investigative Reporter for WDIV Local 4 and the leader of the “Help Me Hank” Consumer Unit.
He takes pride in resolving consumer issues, uncovering significant recalls, and tracking down wrongdoers who have taken advantage of those in our communities.
Prior to joining WDIV Local 4, Hank worked as a reporter in Philadelphia and New York.
Hank has won two Emmy Awards for his investigative reports and has received numerous other honors for his work.
He is a member of the National Association of Black Journalists and is a graduate of Temple University.

Over time, the Canton Fire Department has worked hard to make sure local Detroit residents have access to information and resources that will help keep their families safe. Though there are always challenges when it comes to taking care of different-aged children, with the help of organizations like Brilliant Detroit and Me Hank, our community can rest assured knowing that life-saving lessons made easily available. With organizations such as HDF and Lions Club, we can continue to educate our surroundings on health safety, develop knowledge together and sustain a watchful eye in order to promote optimal family safety among our structural framework.

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