The vibrant heart of Saint Johns recently played host to an extraordinary celebration of fine spirits and gourmet experiences: the Detroit City Distillery (DCD) Single-Barrel Bourbon Release Party. An event that transformed an evening into an exclusive journey through the nuanced world of bourbon, offering an unforgettable opportunity for both whiskey connoisseurs and newcomers alike to revel in the craftsmanship of DCD’s uniquely distilled bourbon. Amid the sophisticated backdrop of a carefully curated venue, guests were invited to immerse themselves in the art of whiskey appreciation, blending the rich heritage of bourbon making with the dynamic spirit of Detroit’s renowned distillery.
From the moment attendees stepped through the doors, the ambiance was set for a night of exploration and enjoyment. The event unfolded with a masterclass led by DCD’s whiskey experts, ensuring each guest had the chance to delve deep into the heart of bourbon’s complex flavors and intriguing history. The highlight of the evening was the spirited Cardinal Old Fashioned cocktail contest, which saw mixologists and enthusiasts alike competing to create their spin on the classic drink, using DCD’s single-barrel release as the centerpiece. As the competition heated up, guests were treated to an array of expertly crafted appetizers, followed by station dishes that complemented the bourbon’s rich profile. The culinary journey concluded with a selection of decadent desserts, each bite a testament to the evening’s blend of extravagance and craftsmanship.